Hi, I am not bad but not great...

Now the tips I will show you aren't meant for pro or already hardcore at the game gamers...

I just want to help those completely new to the games I will tip and advise.. These games are games I like to play a lot and have experience enough to help beginners...

Hopefully they help and ya

Good Luck, Have Fun, and do not be toxic please...

Thursday, 28 August 2014


POSITIONING is very important in league, this is a general idea of how you should position in the Bot Lane. You want your minions to be your front line, then the support then the ADC in the back. This is how it should be the entire game, in team fights its mostly with out minions. Support and ADC should be inseparable. Supports main goal is to keep allies alive and then setting up kills. REMEMBER THAT.

Staying alive prevents enemies from getting gold, preventing enemies from getting gold means not a fed enemy, and when enemy is not fed you have an easier time of staying alive. The circle.
Over extending is going beyond the minions to secure a kill putting you in a bad position. Try not to unless you have a clear idea where the rest of the enemies are.

Now some supports can be in the bushes, generally when that happens, the support may engage or stop the enemy. Which is why an unrevealed bush is scary. Which brings me to ward placements.

WARDING is a task the entire team has to do.
In the Bottom lane the wards generally go in the bushes placed spots 1 - 3. Each player can only put down 3 green / stealth wards that cannot be seen but has a time frame, and 1 pink / vision ward which can stay forever until and enemy takes it down by auto attacking 5 times.
Ward 2 0R 3 at the edge of river, is there to help prevent an enemy jungler's gank, a gank is when the jungler or mid laner, comes in and helps with the fight. You do not want to be caught out facing 3v2, with you at the disadvantage.  Generally put a pink ward there when you can, so you dont have to keep going there every 2 or so minutes.
Normally I request the ADC to put a ward in 2, so that the support can take the risk in placing the ward at 1.

450 IP supports

Support Champions,
their IP and RP price, what type they are, and the basic on how to support, rarity of being a support in parenthesis

Annie - 450 IP 260RP (rare)
Type - Poker + Displacement by stun
How to - Annie support is a bit odd, in where you burn your spells to get the stuns. You need to use 3 spells [there will be a counter], can be the same or different spells, then the 4th spell applies the damage and the stun. Generally you want to use 4th spell on the Tibbers [ult or R key] because it does the most damage and can hit multiple targets in range. But pre-level 6 you generally use your Q key [Disintegrate] to hit one or your W key [Incinerate] to hit multiple. Using your E [Molten Shield] is a good way to get the counter up, because it takes less mana and has low cooldown.
Start with your W and spam it in base to get the counts up and ready for potential first blood. Keep hitting your enemy with your Q key and hit the minions with your W. Generally the way I play.

Kayle - 450 IP 260 RP (rare)
Type - Poker + Buffer + Displacement[in a way]
How to - Kayle has a great amount of ranged abilities which allows her to hit the enemies from farther away, setting up an easier to get kill. Her Q key [Reckoning] applies damage and slows the target enemy. This is great because it 60 damage at 1 plus additional AP and AD damage giving Kayle a heavy poke.
Her E key [Righteous Fury] lets her auto attack go from melee to a bit range. This is another way to poke the enemies down. Her W [Divine Blessing] makes her a buffer it heals and grants bonus movement speed. Generally I would used that for escapes and engages, but whenever your ally needs health it is better to give it to her then and there so that the enemy can't kill them so easily. Start with Q in my opinion, because at level 1 it can do quite a bit of damage of the bat and you slowed them down either forcing them to escape or die. Her ult is one that needs to be time right. Her R key [ult - Intervention] gives an ally the ability to not take damage. This should be used either in the middle of the fight or when your ally has less than a quarter left in health

Nunu - 450 IP 260 RP (rare)
Type - Poker + Tank + Buffer and Displacement [in a way]
How to - Nunu works well with the item Relic Shield in my opinion, because of his passive that lets him have a mana free spell after 5 auto attacks. get an auto with the Relic Shield, auto attack a bit, then get the mana free spell. I like to use that mana free spell on the poker spell which is the E key [Ice Blast]. Because it has a low cooldown and uses the most mana compared to the other spells. Nunu is an Second Tank because he will build AP to let his E and R do a lot. His ult / R [Absolute Zero] can be tricky to use because it deals a lot of damage only, if you let it build the damage once casted. And it takes some time to get the full damage, surely your opponent can see it. Nunu is one of the champions  I call Secret Bush Champions, because of this. They can't see you use your ult if you are in the bush, unless they have a ward in it. Your W key [Blood Boil]  gives target ally bonus speed, great for engaging and escaping.

Soraka - 450 IP 260 RP (common)
Type - Poker + Buffer
How to - Soraka is generally a great support because she has good damage poke with her E key [Infuse] it does 40 damage at 1 and 5% of your max mana as AP damage. This E also silences, which prevents the targeted enemy from using spells for around 2 seconds. The base cooldown is pretty low, combined with items cooldown reduction [UP TO 40% reduction only], can be spammed pretty well, so keep your mana high and your cooldown reduction high. Her W key [Astral Blessing] grants health to your target ally and gives bonus armor for 2 seconds, this is best in the middle of a fight, when your ally has taken some damage already. Soraka's Q key [Starcall] is a extremely low cooldown poke that hits all enemy units that is in it's range. Soraka's ult / R key is one that I think is the hardest to pull off, mainly because it only heals all of your allies no matter where they are on the map with a high cooldown. I try to watch all lanes when this is ready for use, to prevent anyone on my team from dying.

Support in LOL

Your general idea of the bottom lane

You generally do not kill anything, until the situation calls for it.
When you start, you generally take one of the three items for supporting Relic Shield, Spellthief's Edge, or Ancient Coin, because they will be you main source of income.

Relic Shield lets you last hit a minion giving you and your ally closest to you the same gold
Spellthief's Edge lets you gain small amounts of gold by hitting an enemy minion, champion, or turret 3 times every 30 seconds, but if you kill a minion you wait an extra 12 seconds for that to happen, it also gives you 2 gold every 5 seconds.
Ancient Coin - gives you 2 gold for being near a minions death. So stay close to the minions.

You can only have one of these three items at a time.

Keeping ADC alive = this is your first main goal

Assists = this is your second main goal
Applying damage to the enemy in the same sequence as your ally has killed the same enemy. 
You do get gold for the assist.

During the laning phase, generally pre-level 8 or 9, you want to set up the kill for your ADC. Alert ping and chat for communication and better co-ordination.
For each champion has different styles.

Displacement Supports has spells that bring the champion closer to their allies (ADC) and away from the enemy support. Or they do not let champions move from a spot, which is the stun method.
This is the most common classification of a support there is, because there are many champions who can stun, grab and push. For a support mainly stun. These champions definitely can be mana hungry, so be careful how you use your spells. There also Displacements Supports that slow the enemy, making it hard to maneuver or get away
GOAL: put enemy ADC away from enemy support
Random tips: if you can use your displacements to force your enemy to stop what they are doing and escape. Better with stun. Make sure you tell your ADC that before hand, so they do not go in if you are going to do that. 

Second Tank Supports have more health and armor than the ADC giving the ability to take more hits. In the early game its not a lot more, but it post pones the enemy from getting kill that much earlier.
They are only the second tank because sometimes they will get an item to benefit their abilities to help get more damage of the engage of fights. These champions do not need to use as must mana.
GOAL: keep enemies distant from allies (ADC) and take more hits your allies (ADC) does.

Pokers Supports are generally hitting the enemy with their spells to lower their health, to push them away or have it easier in a fight. Some pokers do a lot of damage because their spells use AP, which the enemy laner won't actually have the items for because they want to defend against your ADC.
GOAL: keep hitting your enemy ADC in lane

Healers Supports, a.k.a buffers, are great because in times when their allies have taken damage sometimes even before going in, the healer support can give bonus armor, mana, speed, or health; depending on the champ.
GOAL: to keep giving your allies the chance to sustain (live) against enemies

LOL in the bot lane...

This is just a general idea of the bottom lane.

The bottom lane of league of legends, LOL, are generally made up of the
                             Attack Damage Carry    (ADC)
                                             and the
                             Support                           (SUP)

 The general goal for this lane is to get the ADC to farm of minions and kill the enemies which initiates the point of being "FED."


The support sets up the kill getting an assist and keeps their ADC alive.
The ADC, is generally a marksman, or ranged champion that scales better of Attack Damage (AD) than Ability Power (AP).
Each role has different sets of champions that can play them...
The ADC should be the only one to last hit a minion, the support should just auto attack minions before hand, to set up minion kill for ADC or if the support has Relic Shield (item)
Same applies to enemy Champions Kills... Let the ADC kill the enemy, support set up the kill.
You do get gold for the assist...
To get an assist you have had to dealt damage in the same sequence the kill happened.

Ways to support...
The Displacements, a.k.a grabs or pushes and most importantly stuns
Examples of champions: Blitzcrank, Thresh, Alistar, Morgana, Lux, etc...

The Second Tank, I say second because generally top lane is the tank bruiser most of the time...
                     TANK = take damage in place of ADC,enabling the least amount of damage to  ADC      when engaging and or escaping
Examples of Champions: Blitzcrank, Alistar, Taric, Leona

The Pokers, using spells to hit enemies to either push enemy away or setup an easy kill
Generally every support can do this but it is easier for certain champions
Examples of Champions: Morgana, Annies, Zilean

The Healers, Healers give their ADC, health and mana when needed
Examples of Champions: Soraka, Sona, Taric,
Some only give health, so know who does what....

Ways to ADC...
The Pokers, using auto attacks or spells to hit enemies to push enemy away or setup and easy kill
Generally any champion can be a poker, these are just ones I like to poke with
Examples of Champions: Caitlyn, Tristana, Lucian and Varus

Most pokers, due to their spells, are played more passively than others, Caitlyn is one I play passively with because her abilities and kill potential are heavy reliant on auto attacks.

Bursty, have the spells to throw them all out to do extra damage on top of Auto attacks
Bursty Champions, I generally play aggressive with and am patient against.
Examples of Champions: Tristana, Vayne, Lucian.

Who to play...
Well I can't tell you that...
What I can tell you is consider this type of player you want to be,
Do you want to be aggressive and have high kill potential? Do you want to play passive and have a late kill potential?
Play a champion when the come out for free of the week, see how you like them... Do you love that champion? Then play until you can get him and main that champ

Hellooooo I am SplintsSavage

Hi, I am not bad but not great...
Now the tips I will show you aren't meant for pro or already hardcore at the game gamers...
I just want to help those completely new to the games I will tip and advise.. These games are games I like to play a lot and have experience enough to help beginners...
Hopefully they help and ya
Good Luck, Have Fun, and do not be toxic please...