Hi, I am not bad but not great...

Now the tips I will show you aren't meant for pro or already hardcore at the game gamers...

I just want to help those completely new to the games I will tip and advise.. These games are games I like to play a lot and have experience enough to help beginners...

Hopefully they help and ya

Good Luck, Have Fun, and do not be toxic please...

Thursday, 28 August 2014


POSITIONING is very important in league, this is a general idea of how you should position in the Bot Lane. You want your minions to be your front line, then the support then the ADC in the back. This is how it should be the entire game, in team fights its mostly with out minions. Support and ADC should be inseparable. Supports main goal is to keep allies alive and then setting up kills. REMEMBER THAT.

Staying alive prevents enemies from getting gold, preventing enemies from getting gold means not a fed enemy, and when enemy is not fed you have an easier time of staying alive. The circle.
Over extending is going beyond the minions to secure a kill putting you in a bad position. Try not to unless you have a clear idea where the rest of the enemies are.

Now some supports can be in the bushes, generally when that happens, the support may engage or stop the enemy. Which is why an unrevealed bush is scary. Which brings me to ward placements.

WARDING is a task the entire team has to do.
In the Bottom lane the wards generally go in the bushes placed spots 1 - 3. Each player can only put down 3 green / stealth wards that cannot be seen but has a time frame, and 1 pink / vision ward which can stay forever until and enemy takes it down by auto attacking 5 times.
Ward 2 0R 3 at the edge of river, is there to help prevent an enemy jungler's gank, a gank is when the jungler or mid laner, comes in and helps with the fight. You do not want to be caught out facing 3v2, with you at the disadvantage.  Generally put a pink ward there when you can, so you dont have to keep going there every 2 or so minutes.
Normally I request the ADC to put a ward in 2, so that the support can take the risk in placing the ward at 1.

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